…time with You before the world begins – Thank You…
…the silence and stillness of it all beautifully serve to create the atmosphere,
for Your Presence to ride upon this morning’s mercy & grace and to faithfully meet me here, – Thank You…
…here in this place, where ever this place may be,
to seek your face, feel your embrace as it sets my spirit free, – Thank You…
…here before the hustle and bustle of church, work, parenting, drama, whatever the case may be, is a chance to seek your face, feel your embrace as it sets my spirit free,
– Thank You…
…nothing superficial here in this reunion with You thus far;
simply all of me, desperately, taking in and trying to respond to ALL that Your are, -- Thank You…
…You are my best kept universal secret; being with You does the proverbial “trick”; my worship draws me near to you as you whisper to me what to do
before I am ever tempted with the chance to become ‘society sick’, – Thank You…
…as I embellish here in this embrace, I laugh, I cry, I chant over and over Your many names; I worship You as if there were no tomorrow, and yet tomorrow I will do the same…– Thank You!