4:00 AM -- My internal alarm clock has chosen this time to begin telling me that its time to turn over a new leaf. After laying there looking at the clock for about 15 minutes, I start to sense the cares of the world ruminating in the back rooms of my mind. Thus, before they can reach my living quarters, I roll out of the bed, get dressed and start my morning run. Now, I have to tell you that I don't always feel like running, and often times my Running Partner doesn't meet me until after the first 100-150 steps. He does that to make sure I am serious; I am sold on the fact that God only moves toward those who are moving towards Him. He shows up, 'right on time', and begins to transform my mind while I am running. Some mornings, like this morning, I wish that He would show up and begin speaking to me as I walk out the door, but that is rarely the case.
This particular morning it didn't happen until the latter part of my two miles. As I ran through the sounds of 'Christian Run Music Vol. 3', thoughts about issues from yesterday ran through my mind…but I Just Kept Running. A praise and worship issue; "How will you handle that?"…Just Keep Running! Lesson plans for today's AP class; "What will you do to ensure learning?"…Just Keep Running! Don't forget to make that phone call that you failed to make yesterday; "When will you make it?"…Just Keep Running? You need to reward those around you in order to ensure continued growth and success; "How will you do that?"…Just Keep Running! "I created you to worship; create an opportunity for communication, keep me first, and I'll speak through you…Now Just Keep Running! You know this poem and it goes right along with your unit. One of your students even suggested it the other day; now implement it…Now Just Keep Running! Make yourself a note on your phone calendar to remind you to make the call; I've already spoken with her…Now Just Keep Running! I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek me, and so you should be too. That's a good thing…Now, Just Keep Running!"
By the time I am finished running, I am revived, renewed, refreshed, and reinvigorated. And though my lungs are at full capacity, my legs are a little wobbly, and I am a little winded, I have physically jumpstarted my day while God has spiritually done the same; all I had to do was take Forrest Gump's advice and "Just Keep on Runnin!"
BE ENCOURAGED this morning as you begin your terrestrial journey! Know that as you start, He who has begun in you is faithful and just to complete it. He will meet you, but you too have to Just Keep Running! BLESSINGS and have a SUPER-FANTASTIC DAY Friend!
This particular morning it didn't happen until the latter part of my two miles. As I ran through the sounds of 'Christian Run Music Vol. 3', thoughts about issues from yesterday ran through my mind…but I Just Kept Running. A praise and worship issue; "How will you handle that?"…Just Keep Running! Lesson plans for today's AP class; "What will you do to ensure learning?"…Just Keep Running! Don't forget to make that phone call that you failed to make yesterday; "When will you make it?"…Just Keep Running? You need to reward those around you in order to ensure continued growth and success; "How will you do that?"…Just Keep Running! "I created you to worship; create an opportunity for communication, keep me first, and I'll speak through you…Now Just Keep Running! You know this poem and it goes right along with your unit. One of your students even suggested it the other day; now implement it…Now Just Keep Running! Make yourself a note on your phone calendar to remind you to make the call; I've already spoken with her…Now Just Keep Running! I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek me, and so you should be too. That's a good thing…Now, Just Keep Running!"
By the time I am finished running, I am revived, renewed, refreshed, and reinvigorated. And though my lungs are at full capacity, my legs are a little wobbly, and I am a little winded, I have physically jumpstarted my day while God has spiritually done the same; all I had to do was take Forrest Gump's advice and "Just Keep on Runnin!"
BE ENCOURAGED this morning as you begin your terrestrial journey! Know that as you start, He who has begun in you is faithful and just to complete it. He will meet you, but you too have to Just Keep Running! BLESSINGS and have a SUPER-FANTASTIC DAY Friend!