ACKNOWLEDGE: God, I bless you for waking me up this morning. You are the awesome animator and illuminator of every breath I take in this life and the next. Giver of my salvation, gifts, talents, purpose, destiny, provision, and inspiration, I bless you!
CONFESS: I humbly and thankful approach you this morning. Willingly yielding my life as an open book because I know that you require a cheerful giver in me. Laying my sins of omission and commission before you. Desiring first and foremost your forgiveness, your approval, your presence. Turn your search light upon the totality of my being. Let no stone be unturned, let no skeleton remain in the closet of my life, let no secrets remain in this eternal conversation that is my journey, let it all be revealed to you in this moment for you knew me before I was in my mother’s womb; you fashioned me even when I was there. You know every part of me. You know the purpose for which you created me.
THANKSGIVING: Thank you for your PRESENCE in my life: past, present, and future. As far back as the days that you kept me before I knew you or wanted to on to salvation and learning to walk this Christ walk with integrity, to the last word, mistake, and/or lesson learned that radically changed my life and even to this moment you have been with me. Desiring to fulfill your plan in me, leading me, guiding me, challenging me, changing me, correcting me, chastising me, and comforting me you never let me go. When I consider it all, taking inventory of the life that you’ve given me, how can I not desire to give it back to you with a heart of gratefulness in a capacity that blesses your heart.
SUPPLICATION: Father, I offer this prayer sincerely and in humility. Because I do, your word tells me that you will give me the desires of my heart in accordance with your will. Therefore, I acknowledge you as Lord and Savior of my life, I confess my sins unto you and receive the fullness of your forgiveness; I am thankful beyond measure, and my supplication, my plea, my desire, my request is this: Breathe on me, inspire me, encourage me, to use every gift, every lesson learned, every fiber of my being to full capacity to the accomplishing of my purpose for your kingdom purpose. Guide me with your Spirit, with your Word, and with your Conviction. Help me to be more effective today from this moment on than I have ever been in my life. Allow your Super to rest upon my natural bringing Glory to your name and creating prosperity for me so that I can continue to reciprocate the blessings and comforts you’ve bestowed upon me. Grant me love and wisdom that I may use for the purpose of inspiring your people to unlock their individual potential and purpose in you. Let my relationship with you produce the overflow of these things along with True Worship, Inspiration, Teaching, Healing, Etc. Continuously remind me of the Humility to say ‘Thank You’, and to return all Glory back to you. Each morning that I awake on this side of eternity, allow me to enter into your gates with this demeanor of thanksgiving and into your courts with this capacity of praise. And when I awake on the other side of eternity, may the life that I have lived grant me acceptance into your presence where I may lay my crowns at you feet.
This is my prayer to you Lord, Amen!